Squares Circles Ovals
My interest in simple shapes stems from my wonderment at the difference between three-dimensional human movement (my decades of training and experience), and the two-dimensional image on paper, leading to exploring formal elements. What is this paper, its edges, its arbitrariness as a delimiter of space. Minimalism—in movement, music, visuals—has spoken to me since the ‘70s. Black circles speak specifically of grief.
Squares and Edges #1, 60” x 60”, powdered graphite on warped paper, 2018
Squares and Edges #1 (detail)
Squares and Edges #2, 17.5” x 23.5”, powdered graphite on warped paper, 2018
Squares and Edges #12, 26” x 26”, powdered graphite on cut paper, 2018
Two Circles and a Line, 12” x 9”, ink, charcoal and graphite, 2020
Circles and Ovals #22, 19.5” x 25”, charcoal, 2018
Circles and Ovals #23, 19.5” x 25”, charcoal, 2018
Circles and Ovals #3, 26” x 40”, charcoal, 2018
Circles and Ovals #17, 25.5” x 19.5”, charcoal, 2018