Movement in Time and Space
These drawings most intimately converse with my instincts as a dancer and improviser, seizing the microcosmic moment of hand/body moving in response to music or rhythm, placing each mark as if my body were miniaturized and on the paper seeing other dancers improvising in a studio. Does one mimic? contrast? frame? Which part of the music or silence am I responding to? How do I move through the space in relation to other dancers/marks?
Movement Score #4, 60” x 60”, charcoal and graphite, 2016
Movement Score #4 (detail)
Untitled, 47” x 56”, charcoal, 2017
Grid of 12, 78” x 76” (overall), 19” x 25” each panel (meant to stand alone or together), charcoal, 2019
Otte #1, 46” x 20”, pastel, 2016
Otte #2, 46” x 20”, pastel, 2016